Aliens/Enemies: The Sontarans, Luke Rattigan
New Characters: Martha Jones, Private Steve Gray, Wilf, Sylvia
Gadgets Used: ATMOS, Sonic Screwdriver
Episode Objective: To find out what is behind ATMOS.Bullet-point Plot
Coming Soon
Best Bits
- Driving the TARDIS
- Meeting Martha
- Doctor vs UNIT
- Clone creature
- General Stall!
- Donna comes home
- Car fiddling
Favorite Quotes
The Doctor: Careful. You're getting a bit too close to the eighties.
Donna: What am I going to do, dent them?
The Doctor: Well, someone did...
Donna: I've heard all about you, he talks about you all the time.
Martha: I dread to think!
Donna: No no no, no he says nice things, good things, nice things, really good things
Martha: [Embarrased] Oh my god, he's told you everything
Donna: Didn't take you long to get over it though, who's the lucky man?
Doctor: What man? Lucky what?
Donna: She's engaged, you prawn.
Doctor: Really? Who to?
Martha: Tom, that Tom Milligan, he's in Paediatrics, working out in Africa right now, and yes! I've got a doctor who disappears off to distant places, tell me about it.
Donna: Is he skinny?
Martha: No! He's sort of, strong
Donna: He is too skinny for words, you give him a hug, you get a paper cut!
[Donna and Martha laugh]
Doctor: Oh, I'd rather you fighting.
Martha: That's why I thought we needed an expert?
The Doctor: Really? How did you get?
(All look at him)
The Doctor: Oh right me, yes
Sontaran: Intruder!
The Doctor: How'd he get in? Intru da window?
General Staal: General Staal, of the Tenth Sontaran Fleet. Staal the Undefeated!
The Doctor: Well, that's not a very good nickname. What if you do get defeated? "Staal-the-not-quite-so-undefeated-anymore-but-never-mind"?
Ross: Its like a potato, baked potato, a talking baked potato.
The Doctor: Now Ross, don't be rude, you look like a pink weasel to him.
Entry from before the episode aired
So, first things first, we have the Doctor attempting to teach Donna to drive the TARDIS... not an easy task, I'm sure!But then he gets a wee call of a certain Miss Martha Jones... or should that be Mrs Martha Jones? Well shes not actually married, but she's engaged to Tom Milligan. Bless.
Martha and her wee UNIT chums have called the Doctor back because there have been a lot of deaths... all in one day and all in the same way - i.e. cars crashing.
All these cars have been fitted with a new Sat Nav system called ATMOS and it is the belief of UNIT that ATMOS may be alien.

Anyway, Martha seems quite happy to see the Doctor again but doesn't seem to joy-filled to meet Donna. Donna knows the Doctor travels with others, he's even talked to her about Martha.. but maybe Martha is a bit shocked that he's found another so soon?

But whatever this tension is, it doesn't last long as Martha gets a UNIT call and brings the Doctor and Donna to the base. Donna (and possibly the Doctor) are a bit shocked at the person Martha has become.
And now lets take a looky at UNIT:
Apparently, "The actor playing Colonel Mace is telling everybody that he is playing 'the new Brigadier'."
And here you can see some more UNIT people looking authoritative... and also one of them opening a strange futuristic tomb... so theres another mystery! What does the tomb contain?!

Whatever it contains, we shall find out! But anyway, the Doctor saunters off to find out whats going on with ATMOS. I don't know if Donna or Martha are with him at this point.
Either way, he soon finds a teleport machine, that takes him to... somewhere (I don't actually know where) but that doesn't matter as there are Sontarans!
The story is believed to be set around a an Academy called Rattigan House. So this obviously ties in with Luke, and with the name Mrs Rattigan (see encyclopedia)

Wilf is coming back as well! And from clips and whatnot from the world of the internet, we know that he was in the car (now equipped with ATMOS) when it starts to crash.

Thankfully, the Doctor and Donna are about to make it all better! (or at least fiddle with stuff)

So pretty obvious that the Sontarans are not exactly welcome, considering that they seem to be killing people... Either way, it looks like the Doctor teams up with UNIT to help fight them

Now, I don't know whats going on with Martha and Donna at this point, other than they are not with the Doctor and appear to be in large amounts of trouble.

All I know is that the Sontaran's are noted as being masters of Cloning since thats how they reproduce... so are we maybe looking at a Martha Clone? Then again, she could just be really annoyed for getting wet.

- One sequence involved a Sontaran emerging from his sphere
- the current episode being filmed involves a group of aliens creating a weight loss drug that actually grows an alien inside you. "This tallies with what I saw being filmed last week at what looked like some training (weight loss) clinic/academy, with lots of people running about in red work-out tracksuits"