Sunday, 4 January 2009
Saturday, 29 November 2008
Wednesday, 23 July 2008
Rose Tyler.

Name: Rose Marion Tyler
Species: Human
Age: 19 (when she met the Doctor).
Homeplanet: Earth (London, 48 Bucknall House, the Powell Estate, SE15 7GO).
Vehicle: None
Facts: Rose Tyler lives with her mum, Jakcie Tyler, and near her boyfriend, Mickey Smith, who left to stay in the parallel world when the crew fought the Cybermen there. While there, Rose also met her parallel dad, Pete Tyler, who had died in 1987, the year after Rose was born. She used to work at Henriks Department Store, until she began travelling with the Doctor.
Appearances: First appearance was in 2005 in Series 1's first episode "Rose"
Followed on up to the last episode of Series 2, "Doomsday."
Donna Noble


Homeworld - Skaro
The Daleks are a fictional extraterrestrial race of mutants from Doctor Who. A Dalek is a grotesque mutated organism integrated with a tank-like mechanical casing made of 'polycarbide'. The resulting creatures are a pitiless race bent on universal conquest and domination. They are also, collectively, the greatest alien adversaries of the Time Lord known as the Doctor. Their most famous catchphrase is "EX-TER-MI-NATE!", with each syllable individually screeched in a frantic electronic voice.
The Daleks were created by writer Terry Nation and BBC designer Raymond Cusick and were introduced in December 1963 in the second Doctor Who serial. They became an immediate hit with viewers, featuring in many subsequent serials and two 1960s motion pictures. They have become synonymous with Doctor Who, and their behaviour and catchphrases are part of British popular culture. "Hiding behind the sofa whenever the Daleks appear".
It is also a trademark, having first been registered by the BBC in 1964 to protect its lucrative range of Dalek merchandise.
Externally, Daleks resemble human-sized salt or pepper shakers around five to six feet (152 to 183 cm) tall, with a single mechanical eyestalk mounted on a rotating dome, a gunstalk containing a projected energy weapon (or "death ray"), and a telescoping robot arm. Usually, the arm is fitted with a device for manipulation that resembles a sink plunger, but Daleks have been shown with arms that end in a tray, a mechanical claw, or other specialised equipment like flamethrowers and blowtorches. Daleks have used their plunger-like manipulator arms to interface with technology, to kill a man by crushing his skull and to extract the brainwaves from a man's head, killing him in the process. Dalek casings are made of a bonded polycarbide material that was dubbed 'dalekanium' by a human in The Dalek Invasion of Earth.
The lower half of a Dalek's shell is covered with many hemispherical protrusions or "Dalek bumps". These are described as "sense globes" or sensors in The Doctor Who Technical Manual by Mark Harris (which is of uncertain). However, in the 2005 series episode Dalek, they are part of a self-destruct system. The casings are vulnerable to "bastic"-headed bullets, and when breached tend to explode spectacularly.
The creatures inside the "travel machines" are depicted as soft and repulsive in appearance, and still vicious even without their mechanical armour. The first glimpse of the mutant in The Daleks was a claw peeking out from under a coat after it had been removed from the machine. The actual appearance of the mutant has varied, but in most cases it is an octopus-like multi-tentacled creature. The Doctor described the Daleks as "little green blobs in bonded polycarbide armour" in Remembrance of the Daleks, where a Dalek mutant was seen to have a bionically augmented claw. In Resurrection of the Daleks a Dalek creature, separated from its casing, attacks and severely injures a human soldier.
However, as the creature inside is rarely seen on screen, the misconception exists that Daleks are wholly mechanical robots. (The series itself has even made this mistake on occasion). The interdependence of biological and mechanical components makes the Daleks a type of cyborg. The Ninth Doctor, in Dalek, described the Dalek as a genius: it could run through an electronic lock's billion combinations in seconds and download all of the information on the internet into its memory, showing the union of the biological and mechanical components.
The voice of a Dalek is electronic; the Dalek creature is apparently unable to make much more than squeaking sounds when out of its casing. Once the mutant is removed, the casing itself can be entered and operated by humanoids, as seen in The Daleks, The Space Museum and Planet of the Daleks. In The Daleks, Ian Chesterton disguises himself by hiding in a Dalek shell, which alters his voice to sound like that of a Dalek.

15. Cybermen
The Cybermen are a race of metal men who are amongst the most reappearing enemies of the Doctor in Doctor Who. Cybermen were originally a wholly organic species of humanoids originating on Earth's twin planet Mondas that began to implant more and more artificial parts into their bodies. This led to the race becoming coldly logical and calculating, with emotions usually only shown when naked aggression was called for.
A parallel universe version of the Cybermen appeared in the 2006 series' two-part story, Rise of the Cybermen and The Age of Steel. These Cybermen also appeared in the two-part 2006 season finale, Army of Ghosts and Doomsday. This then carried through to the spin-off Torchwood in the episode Cyberwoman.
While the Doctor's other old enemies the Daleks were on the whole unchanged during the original series' twenty-six season run, the Cybermen were seen to change with almost every encounter. The Cybermen are humanoid, but have been cybernetically augmented to the point where they have few remaining organic parts. In their first appearance in the series, the only portions of their bodies that still seemed human were their hands, but by their next appearance in The Moonbase (1967), their bodies were entirely covered up in their metallic suits. As they are relatively few in number, the Cybermen tend towards covert activity, scheming from hiding and using human pawns or robots to act in their place until they need to appear. They also seek to increase their numbers by converting others into Cybermen (a process known as "cyber-conversion").
It is presumed (and often implied) that beneath their suits still exist organic components and that they are not true robots: in The Tenth Planet, a Cyberman tells a group of humans that "our brains are just like yours", although by the time of Attack of the Cybermen this seemed to have been replaced with electronics. In Earthshock (1982), the actors' chins were vaguely visible through a clear perspex area on the helmet to suggest some kind of organic matter. In The Tomb of the Cybermen (1967), veins were visible through the domed head of the Cyberman Controller and similarly, in Attack of the Cybermen (1985) and The Age of Steel, the Cyber-Controller's brain is visible through the dome. However, in Revenge of the Cybermen (1975), the Doctor says they are "total machine creatures".
The audio play Real Time implies that the converted victim's face remains beneath the Cyberman faceplate, although the audio plays, like all non-televised spin-off media, are of uncertain canonicity with regards to the television series. The Virgin New Adventures novel Iceberg by David Banks states that some Cybermen experience rare flashes of emotional memory from the time before they were converted, which are then usually suppressed. The parallel Earth Cybermen in the 2006 series are usually constructed from human brains bonded to a Cyberman exoskeletal shell with an artificially grown nervous system threaded throughout (The Age of Steel), although direct grafting of cyber-components is another method of conversion (Cyberwoman).
Although the Cybermen often claim that they have done away with human emotion, they have exhibited emotions ranging from anger to smug satisfaction in their confrontations with the Doctor (although this is only clearly present during their appearances in the 1980s). Some Cybermen in the early stories were even given individual names such as "Krang". Some parallel Earth Cybermen did retain some memories of their pre-conversion lives, although their emotional response varied. In Cyberwoman, the partial conversion led to a degree of insanity in Lisa Hallett, which was retained even after she transferred her brain into a human body. In Doomsday, Yvonne Hartman is able to retain at least some elements of her personality in order to prevent the advance of a group of other Cybermen, and is last seen weeping what appears to be either an oil-like substance or blood. In the same episode, the Cyber-Leader expresses clear frustration at the humans refusing to surrender, although in a later scene he criticizes the Doctor for showing emotion.
The Virgin Missing Adventures novel Killing Ground by Steve Lyons suggests that some Cybermen imitate emotions to intimidate and unnerve their victims. The Big Finish Productions audio play Spare Parts (set on Mondas in the early days of cyber-conversion) suggests that the Cybermen deliberately remove their emotions as part of the conversion process to stifle the physical and emotional trauma of becoming a Cyberman. The conversion process in the parallel Earth is termed "upgrading".
This motive behind the removal of emotions is made more explicit in The Age of Steel where it is done by means of an emotional inhibitor. In that episode, the deactivation of their emotional inhibitors drives the converted Cybermen insane when they realise what they have become, killing them.
Cybermen have a number of major weaknesses, of which the most notable is the element gold. Initially, it was explained that, due to its non-corrodible nature, gold essentially chokes their respiratory systems. For example, the glittergun, a weapon used during the Cyber-Wars in the future, fired gold dust at its targets. However, in later serials, gold appeared to affect them rather like silver affects werewolves, with gold coins or gold-tipped bullets fired at them having the same effect. Cybermen are also rather efficiently killed when shot with their own guns. Other weaknesses from early stories include solvents, gravity based technology, and excessive levels of radiation.
Their weakness to gold has not been mentioned during the 2006 series, although the Cybus Industries tie-in site makes reference to earlier prototypes having an "allergy" to gold, stating that this was eliminated after further improvements of the Cyberman body. In The Age of Steel, however, an EMP grenade is shown to disable a Cyberman and shut down its emotional inhibitor.
Some Cybermen are given titles, being credited as "Cyber Leader" (or variants thereof), "Cyber Lieutenant", "Cyber Scout" or the "Cyber Controller". The Cyber Controller in particular has appeared in multiple forms, both humanoid and as an immobile computer, and has also been referred to as the "Cyber Planner" or "Cyber Director", although these may not be the same being. The Controller seen (and destroyed) in various serials also may or may not be the same consciousness in different bodies, as it appears to recognize and remember the Doctor from previous encounters. In Iceberg, the first Cyber Controller is created by implanting a Cyber Director into the skull of a recently converted Cyberman.
The Cyber-Controller in The Age of Steel used the brain of John Lumic, the creator of the Cybermen in that parallel reality. In Doomsday, a Cyber-Leader appears, and when he is destroyed, mention is made of downloading his data files into another Cyberman unit, which is then upgraded to Cyber-Leader.
In the Rise of the Cybermen/The Age of Steel two-part story, the Tenth Doctor visited a parallel universe where the Cybermen were being created on modern-day Earth. These alternate Cybermen were created as an "upgrade" to humanity and the ultimate move into cyberspace, allowing the brain to survive in an ageless steel body. These Cybermen also referred to themselves as "Human.2" and "deleted" all those deemed incompatible with the upgrade. They could fatally electrocute humans with a touch.
These Cybermen were created by John Lumic, a terminally ill and insane genius whose company, Cybus Industries, had advanced humanity considerably. To find a way to survive, he perfected a method to sustain the human brain indefinitely in a cradle of chemicals, bonding the synaptic impulses to a metal exoskeleton. The Cybermen "handle bars" were part of a high-tech communications device called an EarPod. Also created by Lumic, the EarPods were used extensively in the place of MP3 players and mobile phones, allowing information to be directly downloaded into people's heads.
Lumic began to abduct homeless people and convert them into Cybermen, and assassinated the President of Great Britain after the President rejected his plans. Using the EarPods, Lumic took mental control of London, marching thousands to be cyber-converted. He was betrayed by an old friend who damaged his wheelchair's life-support systems. He had told the Cybermen that he would upgrade 'only with my last breath' and since that moment was at hand he was involuntarily upgraded into the Cyber-Controller, a superior model of Cyberman. However, the Tenth Doctor and his companions, having accidentally landed on the parallel Earth, managed to foil his plans. They freed London from mental control and disabled the Cybermen's emotional inhibitors, causing them to go insane and in some cases explode. Lumic himself fell to his apparent death into the burning remains of his factory. A human resistance group, the Preachers, then set about to clean up the remainder of Lumic's factories around the world.
These Cybermen reappeared in the 2006 season finale Army of Ghosts and Doomsday. It is to be noted that these Cybermen also use energy weapons built into their right arms. Having infiltrated that world's version of the Torchwood Institute and discovering a breach between universes caused by the passage of an interdimensional void ship, the Cybermen used it to invade the Doctor's universe. However, the void ship's users, the Daleks also revealed themselves, leading to all-out war across the planet between the two sides with mankind caught in the crossfire. Eventually, the Doctor re-opened the breach, causing the Cybermen and Daleks (who had been saturated with background radiation from the Void) to be sucked back into it. The breach then sealed itself, leaving the Cybermen and Daleks seemingly trapped in the Void forever.
These Cyberman are usually described as 'Cybus Cybermen' as opposed to the 'Mondas Cybermen.'
In Cyberwoman it was revealed that at the height of the "Battle of Canary Wharf", due to their desperate need for reinforcements against the Daleks, the Cybermen had begun to directly convert whole bodies rather than transplant their brains into Cyberman shells. One of their victims, a woman called Lisa Hallett, was only partially converted when the power was shut off and was rescued by her boyfriend, Ianto Jones.
Jones took her to Torchwood Three in Cardiff along with a cyber-conversion unit which he made into a life support system for her under her directions. He tried to find a cure for her condition, calling on cybernetics expert Dr Tanizaki. Unfortunately Hallett's Cyberman personality asserted itself, leading to her killing Tanizaki and trying to take over Torchwood Three as a staging area for a new Cyberman army. She eventually transplanted her own brain into the body of a pizza delivery girl whom she let into the base, and was shot to death by the other members of the Torchwood team.
Early life
Davros was born during the Thousand Year War between Thals and Kaleds on the planet Skaro. It was a time when mercy and nobility were all but non-existent and life was harsh and grim. The use of atomic weapons and other agents of mutation had started to produce mutants known as mutos, however Davros himself was originally physically healthy and un-deformed. (DW: Genesis of the Daleks)
As a child Davros claimed only his mother believed in him. Others feared him and his determination. His father wanted him to become a soldier like his elder generations. Davros was determined to become a scientist. (BFD: Innocence)
Davros had a sister called Yarvell. Davros disagreed with her ideas of a compromise with the Thals. Davros was forced into the military where he was put in charge of developing new weapons. After his mother killed his father, sister and aunt, Davros no longer had anyone that he could impress. In honour of Yavel's death he and his mother commissioned a statue to be made to house her ashes. (BFD: Purity)
Davros began experimenting with organisms and teaching them to speak. In particular the word 'Davros.' For his first experiment he used a Thal brain instead of a Kaled one. (BFA: Guilt)
Davros was grievously wounded by an attack and afterwards he needed a mobile life support system just to stay alive, let alone to move. (DW: Remembrance of the Daleks) 30 seconds without his life support would have killed him. The life support system was controlled by a switch conveniently placed on his panel of buttons on his life support system. (DW: Genesis of the Daleks)
Creation of the Daleks
- "Today, the Kaled race is ended, consumed in a fire of war. But, from its ashes will rise a new race. The supreme creature. The ultimate conqueror of the universe. The Dalek!"
- ―Davros.[src]
With his equally ruthless aide Nyder, Davros ascended to a high rank in the Kaled Scientific Elite and presided over the creation of the Daleks. (DW: Genesis of the Daleks)
- For more see main article.
Davros was originally exterminated by his Daleks. However, intervention by the Time Lords began a chain of events, started by the The Doctor being sent to Skaro during this time period, where Davros first demonstrated the Daleks to the Kaled Scientific Elite. The Doctor and Davros first met at this time. Davros learned of the Doctor's mission and imprisoned him. He used a lie detector to force the Doctor to reveal the details of the Daleks' future defeats, so that he could learn from them and so that his creation, the Daleks, could avoid them. (The Doctor later had this record destroyed.) (DW: Genesis of the Daleks)
- The official BBC Doctor Who website specifies that there are two Dalek histories, the second created by the Time Lord intervention in Dalek development. In the original timeline, Davros was killed, but he survived in the new version of events.
"Death" and revival
- "I created you. I am the master. Not you, I, I, I!"
- ―Davros[src]
The Daleks eventually turned on Nyder and exterminated him. Later, they apparently exterminated Davros himself (DW: Genesis of the Daleks), but he had in fact activated a force field around his travel unit and survived in a form of suspended animation while his life support worked to regenerate him. After an unknown period of time had passed, Davros was sought both by the Daleks, now a major galactic power, and by the Doctor. The Daleks sought to revive Davros so that he might offer them a way out of their impasse in their war with the Movellans. Davros was found in the underground remains of the crumbled scientific elite bunker, and was revived. Davros opted to help the Daleks in their war against the Movellans. He devised a plan to destroy a Movellan ship but after this failed he was captured by the Doctor and escaped Dalek slaves and imprisoned in a block of ice. (DW: Destiny of the Daleks)
Leader of the Imperial Daleks faction
- "I have waited a long time for this. Once the Doctor is exterminated, I shall build a new race of Daleks. They will be even more deadly and I, Davros, shall be their leader! This time we shall triumph. My Daleks shall once more become the supreme beings!"
- ―Davros.[src]
The Humans decreed an indefinite sentence of suspended animation, during which time Davros retained full consciousness. After 90 years, the Daleks, led by the Dalek Supreme, liberated Davros from his prison ship in space, and revived him once more. They believed that he might help them to find a cure for the virus with which the Movellans defeated them: a virus that attacks only Dalek tissue. Under the pretense of discovering the cure, Davros began experimenting on Daleks to bring them under his control. The Doctor, now in a new incarnation, attempted to kill Davros during this time, though he ultimately lacked the resolve to do so directly. His treachery discovered by the Dalek Supreme, Davros released the Movellan virus onto the prison ship, effectively killing all the Daleks on board. The virus then began affecting Davros, who promptly fled in an escape pod before Stien caused the station -- and the prison ship -- to explode. (DW: Resurrection of the Daleks)
Davros at this point almost took his own life. He met the Doctor and tormented him as he would not kill him. (BFA: Davros)
Davros, however, survived, and set himself up as "The Great Healer" on the planet Necros and lured the Doctor there. Using the bodies of the dead at Tranquil Repose, Davros created a new race of Daleks with white and gold livery, who would later be called "Imperial Daleks". The new faction was totally loyal to him. The Supreme Dalek's forces arrived on Necros -- having been brought there by Tranquil Repose's disgruntled staff -- and captured him to put him on trial. (DW: Revelation of the Daleks)
- For more background on and an account of the war that followed between Dalek factions, see Imperial-Renegade Dalek Civil War.
By the time of his attempt to recover the Hand of Omega from 1963 Earth he called himself the Dalek Emperor (of the Imperial Daleks only). Apparently, he had lost most of his organic body, and was completely encased within an Imperial Dalek-like shell, though his head and upper body still appeared to be at least partially Kaled. (DW: Remembrance of the Daleks) Apparently killed by a supernova started by the Hand of Omega, he survived by escaping in an escape pod (again) and lived to confront the Doctor in his eighth incarnation.
Davros found himself teetering on the edge of sanity when he encountered the Eighth Doctor on Earth, which he had taken over with a virus. At this time, Davros's Dalek personality was very nearly dominant. At the end of the story, Davros becomes the Emperor of the Daleks, his mind fully turned into Dalek. Presumably he may have been encased in the Emperor Dalek casing in "The Evil Of The Daleks" and the explosions resulting from the Dalek Civil War restored his "Davros" personality, however this is only speculation. Davros possibly managed to shift his consciousness into a clone body which enabled him to participate in the Last Great Time War. (BFA: Terror Firma)
After this, Davros went on to be the commander of the Daleks in the Time War, only to supposedly die during the first year of the conflict (despite the Doctor's efforts to save him) at the Gate of Elysium, when his command ship flew into the jaws of the Nightmare Child. However, Dalek Caan broke the War's time lock and saved him from death. Davros then rebuilt the Dalek race by using a large number of his own cells, turning each one into a new Dalek, leaving his internal organs and skeleton exposed (under his jacket). Davros called these Daleks his "children". (DW: The Stolen Earth)
- "Welcome... to my new empire, Doctor."
- ―Davros.[src]
After Davros was rescued by Dalek Caan and had finished creating his new army of Daleks, he used his Dalek Flying Saucer known as the Crucible to travel the universe and "steal" planets. These planets were then put around the Crucible. Earth was the final planet to be taken by Davros and his New Daleks. They took the planets to the Medusa Cascade where he and his Daleks awaited the arival of the Doctor in a pocket of time 1 second out of sync with the rest of the universe. Davros used advanced technology to hack into the wavelengths of the Subwave Network and talk to the Doctor, explaining to his nemesis how he had survived. (DW: The Stolen Earth)
It quickly became apparent that Davros had once again become a slave to the Daleks rule who placed him under guard within the Vault on the Crucible as part of a deal he made with the Supreme One. This arrangement required Davros to build a Reality bomb powered by the Crucible and the 27 planets in the Medusa Cascade which would destroy all of existence leaving the Daleks the sole inhabitants of the universe. However, his plan failed due to the intervention of the Doctor and Donna Noble who destroyed the Dalek race once more leaving Davros on a burning Crucible. Before leaving in the TARDIS, the Doctor offered to save Davros but the creator of the Daleks refused stating that he named the Doctor the destroyer of worlds, after which he was engulfed in flames. (DW: Journey's End)
- "Supreme Dalek? Ha! That is a title I shall dispute most vigorously, I created the Daleks. It is I who shall control their destiny, I am the Supreme Commander!"
- ―Davros.[src]
Most notable of Davros' creations is the Mark III travel machine, which then became known as a Dalek. Davros also experimented with other Dalek forms, such as a Dalek able to walk over rough terrain known as a Spider Dalek. (EDA: War of the Daleks)
Davros also created an Imperial faction of Daleks to counter what he saw as a Renegade faction of Daleks, as well as the cybernetic Juggernauts by combining Human components and DNA with the robotic Mechanoids. (BFA: The Juggernauts)
- "Yes... yes. To hold in my hand a capsule that contained such power... to know that life and death on such a scale was my choice. To know that the tiny pressure on my thumb, enough to break the glass, would end everything. Yes - I would do it. That power would set me up above the gods! And through the Daleks, I shall have that power!"
- ―Davros when asked by the Doctor if he had the power to unleash a deadly viral plague, would he use it.[src]
Davros had a sound mind early in his life. Brilliant and driven, he relentlessly experimented to find the final form of the Kaled people. Davros was a cool and sadistic person; it was his ability to command and delegate that was most forceful and cold. While his conversation with the Doctor following his awakening (DW: Destiny of the Daleks) suggests that he may have survived the extermination attempt through forethought, it does still seem to have made Davros more bitter than he had originally been.
Physical characteristics
Davros was originally seen by the Doctor sitting upright in a movement and life support chair resembling the base of a Dalek. His Kaled body was similar to that of a human a blue eye in his forehead replaced his lost eyesight allowing him some semblance of sight. He had only his right hand, which he used to operate various controls on his chair. These in turn could perform various functions from controlling doors, the Mark III travel machines, to his own life support system.
On Necros, Bostock fired a gun which destroyed most of his right hand and thus his independent operability. (DW: Revelation of the Daleks) For a short time after, his hand was replaced with a claw (DWM: Emperor of the Daleks) and finally replaced with a prosthetic substitute of future human design (BFA: The Juggernauts), though its first appearance on screen was in (DW: The Stolen Earth) He was capable of firing electric shocks from his mechanical hands allowing him to ward off attackers and stun them. (DW: Revelation of the Daleks) & (DW: Journey's End)